Show hidden files with Telescope in LazyNvim

How to configure Telecope to show hidden files in LazyNvim so dotfiles are visible while still respecting .gitignore


When working on my dotfiles I was wondering why I couldn’t see my .config folders. Telescope hides these hidden files by default. Here’s how I set up Telescope to show hidden files using the LazyNvim distro:

local Util = require("lazyvim.util")
return {
keys = {
-- enable finding hidden/dot files
Util.telescope("files", { hidden = true, no_ignore = false }),
desc = "Find files (root dir)",
Util.telescope("files", { hidden = true, no_ignore = false }),
desc = "Find files (root dir)",
Util.telescope("files", { cwd = false, hidden = true, no_ignore = false }),
desc = "Find files (cwd)",

Personally, I like how LazyNvim configures Telescope to search for files in the context of root directories — this is very useful in monorepo setups. I kept that behavior by using LazyNvim’s telescope utilities from lazyvim.util.

I then remapped the default keybindings for <leader><leader> and <leader>ff for searching files in the root directory and <leader>fF to find files in the current working directory as shown above.

Setting hidden = true allows to surface dotfiles/hidden files in search results and no_ignore = false makes it respect the project’s .gitignore.